Title: The Fault in Our Stars
Author: John Green
Pages: 313
Rating: 5/5 stars
"Diagnosed with Stage IV thyroid cancer at 13, Hazel was prepared to die until, at 14, a medical miracle shrunk the tumors in her lungs... for now.
Two years post-miracle, sixteen-year-old Hazel is post-everything else, too; post-high school, post-friends and post-normalcy. And even though she could live for a long time (whatever that means), Hazel lives tethered to an oxygen tank, the tumours tenuously kept at bay with a constant chemical assault.
Enter Augustus Waters. A match made at cancer kid support group, Augustus is gorgeous, in remission, and shockingly to her, interested in Hazel. Being with Augustus is both an unexpected destination and a long-needed journey, pushing Hazel to re-examine how sickness and health, life and death, will define her and the legacy that everyone leaves behind."
I look at these rare low ratings and think there is definitely a fault in your star thinking I'm clever Every word is beautiful and placed in a way of perfection. The vocabulary and literary elegance of this man is fantastic. This book made my heart want to burst. It made me want cry. My pulse increased. It made me shiver and causes warm happy tingly feelings. And oh boy did I laugh. I feel as though any review I write can't give this book justice. I can't describe the personal longing and connection I had when reading. This was my book. Every line went straight to the heart. I can read it over and over again and not get sick of it and be able to find new things to love, about Hazel and Augustus. Your humor. Hazel your soul. Your sarcasm and humor and the poetically thoughtful way you speak goes right to a special place in my heart. This book is perfect. It's just perfect. Not one word is wasted. The syntax and dialogue is like nothing I've ever seen before. I was literally trembling as I read this book. John Green you are my savior. You are a hope for humanity. EVERYONE NEEDS TO READ THIS BOOK. Seriously everyone. |
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